Self-Declaration of Compliance

The Self-Declaration process provides a freely available uniform pre-approval procedure enabling any vendor the ability to self-declare directly to its customer that its products are compliant to a specific version of the Continua Design Guidelines.  Other than making this process and CTT available to the vendor, the PCHAlliance makes no other representations as to the state of product compliance.

The Continua Compliant Self-Declaration Statement is evidence of Continua Compliance provided by the vendor as part of performing self-declaration on a product. The CTT provides this evidence after successfully executing all applicable test cases within the product’s test plan. As with a Continua Certified product, a Continua Compliant product shall pass all of its applicable test cases. The only exception to this is where a waiver may be allowed.

SELECT Continua Compliant Self-Declaration Statement

Upon successful completion of testing, member users are presented with the option of applying for certification or self-declaration.  Non-members only have the option to apply for Self-Declaration.  If pursuing Self-Declaration, both members and non-members should select the “Continua Compliant Self-Declaration Statement” option.

COMPLETE Application

User are invited to complete the 3-step process to generate a Continua Compliant Self-Declaration Statement.

  1. Product Overview – provide company and product information to be included in the statement
  2. Contact Information – provide contact information for individual and company address.
  3. Generate PDF – provide name, title and signature of individual authorized to represent the company self-declaring compliance. 

GENERATE Self-Declaration Statement

A single page Continua Compliance Self-Declaration Statement is generated that defines exactly which features, capabilities and configurations were determined to be Continua Compliant.

PRESENT Continua Compliant Self-Declaration Statement to Customer

The Continua Compliance Self-Declaration Statement generated by the Continua Test Tool following successful testing of the product may be presented directly to the customer without review or approval of the PCHAlliance.  The vendor has the option of posting their conforming product on the PCHAlliance website.