Digital Tools Move the Needle on Quality of Life

Jan 25, 2018

As healthcare providers, it's time to take a long, hard look at the role technology will play in helping our patients live not just longer lives, but healthier and more productive ones.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, as a species, we have added more than 30 years on average to our life span through various public health innovations, but we haven't yet provided individuals with the tools necessary to use those additional years in the most productive, fulfilling way. After retirement, older adults are sometimes perceived as no longer adding value to society at large.

Now that we've extended the life span, our first priority should be to enhance the health span, or the length of time that a person is not just alive but also healthy. We can do this by giving people the tools necessary to improve their health and inspire them to maintain healthy lifestyle choices. If we do this correctly and effectively, we will turn this growing cohort of older adults from a burden into vital, connected and value-adding individuals. Connected health is a big part of the solution and there are two main factors in how health technology can move the needle on a more fulfilling health span.

Read the full blog here